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Bases Brave Brain Awards

Never Zapping Festival is looking for the bravest international advertising agencies and creatives who want to apply for the Brave Brain Awards. Any agency, creative studio, independent publicist or the advertisers themselves at an international level, with real pieces created and disseminated between January 2017 and August 2018, will be eligible for these prizes.


The official languages of the festival are Spanish and English, only pieces in these languages will be accepted. Any other language must be subtitled into the official languages of the festival in order to be accepted.


Registrations will be online through the form on the website and every piece must have the permission of the advertiser to participate and broadcast, if not, it will be excluded from the festival and the prizes.


The festival may exclude pieces that have been formally declared unlawful by a court of law prior to the date of participation for their content, form or message. In addition, the organization reserves the right to exclude homophobic, sexist campaigns that violate sexual and religious freedom, human rights or any other aspect or nature.


Participants must register their pieces and pay for their participation by bank transfer, deposit or PayPal. Registration will open on 1 April and end on 31 August 2018. It is not necessary to send the final piece at the moment of the registration, but it is necessary to send it before the end date, that is to say, before the 31st of August. The pieces will be sent via Wetransfer, Dropbox.... to The format accepted will be Full HD 1080p. The cost of these is: 1 piece 50 euros; 2 pieces 90 euros; 3 pieces 130 euros; 4 pieces 170 euros; 5 pieces 200 euros.


*** In the categories of spots: campaigns composed of up to 3 spots may be registered as a single piece, provided they are part of the campaign and are not independent spots.

The contest categories are:

TV Spot: Any commercial broadcast on TV between January 2017 and August 2018 can participate.

Web Spot: Any spot broadcast exclusively over the Internet during the period between January 2017 and August 2018 may participate.


*If an advertisement has been broadcast on TV and Internet, it must be registered in the Spot TV category.


Animated Spot: You can participate in any spot made with any animation technique, regardless of the medium of emission.

Spot filmed with mobile technology: Any professional spot that has been filmed entirely using mobile technology can participate. It may have been broadcast on TV or the Internet.


Advertising Documentary: Any advertising documentary made between January 2017 and August 2018 and lasting no more than 25 minutes may participate.

Best Idea: Any "case study", action, global campaign, innovation, invention, product... of which there is an audiovisual document to be broadcast can participate. Example of ideas for the competition:


Best Idea App: Any App made between January 2017 and August 2018 can participate.

Best Street Marketing Idea: All actions carried out on the street or in commercial spaces considered unconventional and carried out between January 2017 and August 2018 may participate.

Best Actor and Best Actress: Any actor or actress in the above categories may participate.

Print: Any advertisement published in newspapers or magazines between January 2017 and August 2018.


These categories will be awarded with gold, silver and bronze or gold only, according to them. The jury, made up of 100 ordinary people, will vote under the scale of 10, 5 and 2 points from highest to lowest depending on what they subjectively consider, under the criteria of creativity, originality, fun, emotion, effectiveness, message and enjoyment of these pieces. The organization may leave any category empty if the requirements are not met or if the number of candidates necessary to grant them does not exist. The decision of the jury is final.


Registering a piece or pieces in the Prizes implies acceptance of the rules of the same. The Festival will be able to make use of the materials registered in its events, social networks and media.


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