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Brave Brain Awards & Young Creatives

Category sponsored by



Brave Brain Awards by Never Zapping Festival




Students from creativity schools and universities enrolled in the fields of Advertising, Audiovisual Communication, Journalism, Fine Arts or Design may would be able to participate. Registration can be individual or by teams of up to four people.



Registration will open on April 1st.

Registration closes on October 12

Jury deliberations, October.

What's the problem?

Plastic is a real threat to environmental conservation. Its "overuse", its toxic components, its difficult degradation, have made it one of the world's leading polluters today.


Oceans, animals, food chain... and many other factors are affected by this disease.

The objective / Solution:

To make people aware of the need to stop using plastic, it is not enough to use it in a responsible way, we must encourage the use of other sustainable components and gradually put an end to this situation.


Through an idea in audiovisual format of a maximum duration of 1 minute. It can be a spot, an invention, an app. a "move". We're looking for ideas. The accepted format will be Full HD 1080p.



The aim is to make people aware of the need to stop using plastic.

  • Demonstrate its danger to the environment and people.

  • The problem of plastic bags. Stop using them.

  • Pollution of seas and oceans, waste always ends up there.

  • Contamination of the food chain.

  • The plastic, the biggest animal killer.


- Fill in the registration details of the piece.

- Send your idea through Wetransfer, Dropbox... to

- When registering any piece, the festival is authorized for its projection, dissemination and use in all relevant media.

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